You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.6. REPORTS Menu > 2.6.3. Reports - Batch Reports > Creating a New Report Batch

Creating a New Report Batch


If report batches have already been setup, Micronet displays a list of report batches

  1. Press the Esc key to escape this screen.

Micronet displays the Enter Batched Reports screen in Update Mode.

  1. Select FILE | NEW.

Micronet displays the Enter Batched Reports screen, which is now in Add Mode.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Batch Id

Enter a unique ID for this batch. For example, for End of Month reports you could enter "EOM". This field should not be left blank when creating a new batch.



Enter a unique name for this batch, e.g. "End of Month Reports". This field should not be left blank when creating a new batch.


Run At End of Month

Select Yes if you want this batch to be run when End of Month is processed. This makes the report batch selectable from the END OF MONTH menu.

Where there are multiple batches flagged to be printed at EOM, they will all print if the user selects the print option.

  1. Add the appropriate reports to the batch.

Refer to "Maintaining the Reports in a Batch".

  1. Optionally, print the report batch.

Refer to "Printing Batched Reports".

  1. You can manage the report batch, i.e. save or delete the batch.

Refer to "Managing Report Batches".